888X by Chris White provides growth planning, business structuring, financial advising and business consulting services for Australian business in the recruiting, staffing and labour hire sectors.
888X Growth Planning, Business Structure & Financial Consulting

Recruitment, staffing and labour hire businesses
My name is Chris White, and I have over 30 years experience as a chartered accountant helping businesses maximise their value and take the next step forward. I am also an established business owner with a number of successful businesses including; Resume4mat, Pay Australia and JobWire Australia.
The 888X Brand:
The name 888X represents my ongoing dedication to my clients. The three 8’s are indicative of how our days should ideally be proportioned. 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for your personal life, and 8 hours for work. In maximising the efficiency of my day-to-day life, I am able to provide optimal value for my clients during those precious 8 hours when they have my unwavering attention.
The “X” represents my drive to multiply and amplify the time that I have on my hands. By doing so, I can multiply and amplify the results for my clients.
The 888X Service
When engaging with 888X’s services, you will be engaging with over 33 years of business, financial and strategic experience. I am a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and the advisory partner for the Recruiting Consulting Staffing Association (RCSA).
I have specialised in providing my financial advisory services to businesses within the recruitment, staffing and labour hire sector since 2014. In the years since, I have developed a deep knowledge of how this industry operates and possess the expertise to implement and execute the appropriate strategies, systems and processes to maximise the value of these clients.
Grow Your Start-up with 888x
It is my goal to always provide my clients with exceptional communication, transparency, and dedication. For high-quality, bespoke financial and business consulting services in recruiting, staffing and labour hire, contact me today on 0417 743 525.